Conference site 2010
Dear Colleague,
We'd like to announce the forthcoming IAU Conference:
Comprehensive Characterization of Astronomical Sites
A conference organized by Sternberg Astronomical institute (Moscow, Russia) and Working group "Site-testing Instruments" of the International Astronomical Union on various aspects of site-testing techniques, approaches and results.
RUSSIA, Kislovodsk (Caucasus Mineral Waters region), 4-9 October 2010.
The aim of the conference program is to highlight the modern technologies for the measurement and monitoring of complementary astroclimatic parameters characterizing the weather conditions, seeing, isoplanaticity and temporal coherence for adaptive optics which constitute the merit function of the site goodness and rule the development of equipment. Results and techniques relating to selection of ESO-ELT, GMT, TMT and other sites will be reported. The completion of these programs and development of the Moscow University new 2.5m telescope Caucasus site near Kislovodsk will act as the setting of the proposed meeting which follows a long line of semi-annual international conferences on astroclimatology.
Scientific Organizing Committee
- Marc Sarazin, European Southern Observatory (chair)
- Tony Travouillon, Thirty Meter Telescope
- Joanna Thomas-Osip, Giant Magellan Telescope
- Andrei Tokovinin, National Optical Astronomy Observatory
- Victor Kornilov, Sternberg Astronomical Institute
- Mark Chun, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
The preliminary timetable of the conference is following:
- 3-4 October: Registration and accommodation
- 4 October: Reception
- 5 October: Methods and instruments for measurement major site properties
- 6 October: Results of recent and ongoing site programs. Conference dinner
- 7 October: Excursion to Special Astrophysical Observatory (6m BTA telescope site)
- 8 October: Site testing data for optimization of ongoing observations
- 9 October: Discussion and concluding remarcs. Visit to new Moscow University facility near Kislovodsk and mountain party
Registration and detailed information
The registration for the conference is available via Internet at URL, the site lists the program, accommodation details, participants and other information and is regularly updated. The deadline is 1 April 2010. The registration fee for participants is 7500 Russian Roubles (approximately 175 Euro) and includes the conference dinner and party and excursions to BTA and MSU sites. The conference will take place in a resort spa hotel in the center of the Kislovodsk city.
Conference LOC and SOC members