Comprehensive characterization of astronomical sites

Kislovodsk, Russia. 4–9 October 2010

Media files

There are media files (ppt, pdf of presentations shared by authors) on this page. Reports are sorted by speaker names.

Alexander Gusev (SAI), Boris Artamonov (SAI) Astroclimate on Mt. Maidanak Observatory by AZT-22 1.5m telescope observations (poster)
Andrei Tokovinin (NOAO), Victor Kornilov (SAI) Peter Scheglov - pioneer of site testing in the Central Asia (poster)
Andrei Tokovinin (NOAO) Surface-layer turbulence measurement with lunar scintillometers
Andrei Tokovinin (NOAO) Atmospheric time constant with MASS and FADE (poster)
Boris Safonov (SAI) Twilight measurements with MASS/DIMM
Clelia Robert (ONERA), Juliette Voyez (ONERA), Nicolas Védrenne (ONERA), Laurent Mugnier (ONERA) Cn2 profile measurement from Shack-Hartmann data
Davoud Afshari (ZNU) Measurement of Sky Brightness at the Iranian Natinonal Observatory(poster)
Eric Fossat (U. Nice) Some results after 10 years of site testing at Concordia
Eric Steinbring (HIA) Astronomical Observatory Sites from the Canadian High Arctic
Florian Kerber (ESO) Calibrating measurements of precipitable water vapour
Gianluca Lombardi (ESO) The E-ELT Site Testing in Northern Chile and Argentina
Glen Herriot (HIA), David Andersen (HIA), Jean-Pierre Véran (HIA), Brent Ellerbroek (TMT), Luc Gilles (TMT), Lianqi Wang (TMT) Using site testing data for AO simulations
Habib Khosroshahi (IPM) Site characterization studies for the Iranian National Observatory
Hiroshi Matsuo (NAOJ) Measurements of atmospheric transmission using Fourier transform spectrometers in far-infrared and submillimeter waves
Hu Zou (NAOC) Using CSTAR to measure the sky brightness and transparency at Dome A, Antarctica
Joanna Thomas-Osip (GMT) Giant Magellan telescope site testing summary (poster)
Julio Navarrete (ESO) The VLT Dealing With The Atmosphere, A Night Operation point of view
Liyong Liu (NAOC) Seeing measurements at the astronomical observatories in China
Marc Sarazin (ESO) Conference summary
Marc Sarazin (ESO) Site Testing For The E-ELT: A Review
Matvey Finkel (MSPU) Towards celestial sources above 1 THz with a heterodyne receiver based on a hot-electron bolometer mixer (poster)
Nicolai Shatsky (SAI) Scientific goals, instrumentation and current state of the new 2.5m SAI telescope project.
Olga Voziakova (SAI) Atmospheric transparency in the optical and near IR range above the Shatdzhatmaz summit (poster)
Padmakar Singh Parihar (IIA) Development of the NLOT Site Characterization Instruments
Pavel Kovadlo (ISZF), Olga Kochetkova (ISZF) Optical Instability of an Earth Atmosphere
Pavel Kovadlo (ISZF), Victor Nosov (IAO SB RAS), Vladimir Lukin (IAO SB RAS), Andrei Torgaev (IAO SB RAS), E. Nosov (IAO SB RAS), Victor Grigoriev (ISZF) Turbulence in the anisotropic boundary layer
Ramin Shomali (ZNU), Davoud Afshari (ZNU), Sadollah Nasiri (ZNU), Ahmad Darudi (ZNU) Measurement of the Atmospheric Primary Aberrations by 4-Apertures HARTMANN
Sergey Potanin (SAI) Estimations of dome seeng by results of optics quality tests with Shack-Hartman wavefront sensor (poster)
Timothy Pickering (SAAO) Turbulence Profiling at the SAAO
Tony Travouillon (TMT), Angel Otarola (TMT), Sebastian Els (TMT), Reed Riddle (TMT), Matthias Schoeck (TMT), Warren Skidmore (TMT) Lessons learned from the Thirty Meter Telescope site testing
Tony Travouillon (TMT), Angel Otarola (TMT), Sebastian Els (TMT), Reed Riddle (TMT), Matthias Schoeck (TMT), Warren Skidmore (TMT), R. Dahl (ISIS), D. Naylor (ISIS), R. Querel (ISIS) Characterization of Precipitable Water Vapor at the TMT Candidate Sites in Northern Chile: The Importance of Surface Data
Tony Travouillon (TMT) Astronomy from the Antarctic Plateau
Valeri Orlov (UNAM), Valerii Votsekhovich (UNAM) Dynamic Shack-Hartman System "RAPID"
Victor Kornilov (SAI) SAI activities on site testing programmes
Wang Hongshuai (NAOC) Cloud cover and water vapor observed at Oma site,Tibet
Xu Zhou (NAOC) Astronomy at Dome A
Yongqiang Yao (NAOC) Site Testing in West China